Scenes from a Mongolian Roadside

On a long ride across endless fields of steppes, we had to stop to stretch our legs. In Mongolia, you don’t see gleaming complexes of gas stations and 7Elevens. We settle for a nomadic roadside stand.


How about freshly picked strawberries & mushrooms straight from the field?


I walked over and i saw this pile of roadkill or so I thought. Turns out to be entrails of a sheep and I couldn’t figure why it was there. Was it for good luck or to look into the future?



You don’t see this everyday, a Mongolian Steppe Eagle perched on my shoulder. It was a heavy bird and it’s beak and talons were really sharp. I could feel the power and grip of those talons digging into me.


And of course, a 100 foot tall gleaming statue of Genghis Khan surveying his entire country. What more can you ask for in a roadside stand? Only in Mongolia