Clock of the Mountains

There are many kinds of Hornbills that inhabit the jungles of the Philippines. The Rufous Hornbill or Kalaw are gregarious and sociable birds that I have seen many times while exploring Aurora Province. They are seen congregating in large groups in tall trees and squawking to their hearts content. Our guides often referred to the Kalaw as their “clock of the mountains” – for their penchant to call out at certain times of the day – at 12 noon and at 5pm. ( I’m not kidding )



These are my favorite birds and I love them for their sociable nature, majestic silhouette during flight and of course that ridiculously large knobbed beak on their heads. Indigenous tribes in the Cordilleras have used their beaks as part of their elaborate headdresses reserved for the chieftain. Hunters have trapped them for food and the lucrative pet trade. They are colorful birds and is the closest thing we have to the South American Toucan. 


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